From One Small Garden

With funding support from Columbia Basin Trust and donated greenhouse space provided by College of the Rockies, the Creston Valley Food Action Coalition (Farmer’s Market and Harvest Share) is pleased to announce a new program for Creston area residents.
Interest is growing in this new program called “Growing Fresh” hosted within the College of the Rockies greenhouses located on 16th Ave in Creston. The CVFAC Growing Fresh program offers food security to families who are not able to grow their own food by providing both space and training to grow vegetables, thus increasing their food sovereignty. $35,000 start-up funding has been secured from CBT through a “Food Access” grant to upgrade the greenhouse heating, ventilation and watering systems and fund the Growing Fresh project.
In collaboration with Creston Valley Seed Savers Society who are also using donated space at the College greenhouses for their work, Growing Fresh will reach out to families who want to learn how to raise their own food and will also provide the plants, garden beds and the training to do so. CVSS will provide nursery plants for our project.
Vermiculture will also be introduced as an affordable and accessible source of organic, full spectrum fertilizer for the growing plants. Studies have shown that the use of vermicompost increases the nutrient value of the foods grown by up to four times. Participants will be provided with their own vermiculture bin.
As the growing season moves into harvest, cooking classes will also be provided to program participants so that families can learn together how to harvest, serve and preserve nutritious homegrown food for their growing families. We are delighted to be using local authors Dave and Lillian Brummet’s new cookbook, “From One Small Garden” for the classes.
Up to ten families will be chosen from applicants to take part in this grassroots project. Applications will be available through CVFAC websites and social media sites. Staffing for this program is possible with a grant from CBT Job Experience program; a coordinator and assistant will be hired to work with and train the participants in growing fresh food skills.