Another Marketing Channel
Do you use TikTok?
Many do, millions in fact. Actually there are more than a Billion active users.
TikTok has a channel called #BookTok for flogging your books.
In case you’ve not used, or know much about, TikTok and wonder if that’s really a useful place for you to market your baby maybe look at the graphic below. The publishers know a good thing when they see it and aren’t afraid of using it.
Well on TikTok book referrals, like everything else, are almost all done by the actual readers – not some company.
Watch the ITV segment on it below and you’ll see what that looks like . . . enthusiasm abounds.
If they like your book they’ll say so.
If they don’t like your book . . . well they’ll say that too.
But some of them are into providing a show for their followers so your book might get gushed about complete with tears of joy. Or it might get trashed – literally thrown into the trash basket with accompanying sound effects and loud negative comments. Not for the faint hearted writer . . .
On the flipside you too can be a TikTok user and book reviewer. It’s free and all it really takes is the time to learn the technology. And some guts . . . but you have those already because you’ve taken the step of giving your story to the world to read.